Ramleela Revisited.
After years a thought occur to my mind why not revisit the childhood. Let us see Ramleena, of course these kind of thoughts come to you when you
After years a thought occur to my mind why not revisit the childhood. Let us see Ramleena, of course these kind of thoughts come to you when you
are in 'Surur'. So we visited nearby Ramleela. Everything
was more or less same like it used be 10-15 years ago. Families flocked together
to see evergreen story of lord Ram. When teenage boys and girls have official
permission to go out in the night.
We sat on the chairs which were vacant. The scene was
'Ram' trying to convince his wife not to come along as he is going to jungle
and there are hidden dangers for her. But being 'Dharmpatni' Sita is stubborn
to face the challenge of life with her husband. After a long conversation Ram succumbs
to the wishes of her wife, which continues till now that wife wins every argument.
None the less I was more interested in small love stories
forming behind the scene. So I spotted few of them. The way we used to see the
girls in our days haven't changed much but teenagers have become bold now. The
bold and beautiful girls playing with her hair to have attention of good looking
guys other side, and courageous guys roaming around them and passing a gage of
'Hey I see you'.
One of two such teenage gaze I also got making a statement
'See I am here'. May be I am wrong but being under alcoholic influence my confidence
could have got their attention.
It was all like old days, shops, swings, children with
boundless energy enjoying. Parents lost in the Ram and Sita and children lost
in their own word.
One story behind me was forming I could guess by their
giggles. A beautiful teenager with mobile in her hand had a boy so close to
her like they didn't want air to pass through the gap. The boy's hand was on
her shoulder and he was playing with her hair and sometime with her cheeks, and
girl was showing him something on mobile which merely was a pretext to the grooming
romance in between them.
I was enjoying this romantic affair and suddenly someone
tapped on my shoulder .. I turned around and saw a police man. God it felt like
someone has thrown me out of thirteen floor where I was enjoying my time. I was
so scared I couldn't say anything I thought I am busted.
Suddenly he said, go to another side this is "ladies only" area. No wonder why seats were vacant there.
I took a sigh of relief and started to my home, as I was
coming out of the ground I saw a Popcorn seller. The seller was clearly a Muslim,
he shouldn't be here as his religious leaders say hearing anything about any
god is Haram.
We bought popcorn and enjoyed it nicely.... on the way my
mind was dwelling in both the stories. .. a teenage romance and a Muslim serving all Hindu customer in a Hindu
festive...........and my mind still thinks..