Saturday, November 8, 2014

After Joyful celebration with my sisters family in Bhiwari (It lies on Rajasthan-Haryana border ) not very far away from Gurgaon, I accompanied my sister's family to Anand Vihar railway station station as they were leaving for Chhath puja at their native place. After getting off the car, me and my brother in law were walking on the platform towards retiring room and saw one person spitting paan/gutakha on the wall.
Before that man could pass the exit another man standing there slapped him tight, we were shocked and the guy who spitted was dumbfound for few seconds and then said "sorry sir galti ho gaya,ab se kabhi nhi karunga(Sorry sir for the mistake and shall never repeat this mistake again)"

It needs lot of courage to take such bold actions; we thought he must be a very powerful person or some responsible officer. So my brother in law reached to him and asked "Sir aap kuch hai kya matlab yaha ke officer or kuch (Sir are you some kind of officer here)". He calmly replied "Main tax-payer hun(I am a tax payer)", before we could even say anything he smiled and moved ahead. This was something what I had never seen or heard of, I was still pondering on the event then I suddenly heard my brother in law shouting "aye kya kar raha hai (aye.. what are you doing??)" an another man was spitting on the wall, hearing him shout the man looked down and ran away.
My sense of responsibility was shaken, and now I hope I have courage to stop someone who spits or litters.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ramleela Revisited.

After years a thought occur to my mind why not revisit the childhood. Let us see Ramleena, of course these kind of thoughts come to you when you
are in 'Surur'. So we visited nearby Ramleela. Everything was more or less same like it used be 10-15 years ago. Families flocked together to see evergreen story of lord Ram. When teenage boys and girls have official permission to go out in the night.
We sat on the chairs which were vacant. The scene was 'Ram' trying to convince his wife not to come along as he is going to jungle and there are hidden dangers for her. But being 'Dharmpatni' Sita is stubborn to face the challenge of life with her husband. After a long conversation Ram succumbs to the wishes of her wife, which continues till now that wife wins every argument.

None the less I was more interested in small love stories forming behind the scene. So I spotted few of them. The way we used to see the girls in our days haven't changed much but teenagers have become bold now. The bold and beautiful girls playing with her hair to have attention of good looking guys other side, and courageous guys roaming around them and passing a gage of 'Hey I see you'.

One of two such teenage gaze I also got making a statement 'See I am here'. May be I am wrong but being under alcoholic influence my confidence could have got their attention.

It was all like old days, shops, swings, children with boundless energy enjoying. Parents lost in the Ram and Sita and children lost in their own word.

One story behind me was forming I could guess by their giggles. A beautiful teenager with mobile in her hand had a boy so close to her like they didn't want air to pass through the gap. The boy's hand was on her shoulder and he was playing with her hair and sometime with her cheeks, and girl was showing him something on mobile which merely was a pretext to the grooming romance in between them.

I was enjoying this romantic affair and suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder .. I turned around and saw a police man. God it felt like someone has thrown me out of thirteen floor where I was enjoying my time. I was so scared I couldn't say anything I thought I am busted.
Suddenly he said, go to another side this is "ladies only" area. No wonder why seats were vacant there. 
I took a sigh of relief and started to my home, as I was coming out of the ground I saw a Popcorn seller. The seller was clearly a Muslim, he shouldn't be here as his religious leaders say hearing anything about any god is Haram.

We bought popcorn and enjoyed it nicely.... on the way my mind was dwelling in both the stories. .. a teenage romance and  a Muslim serving all Hindu customer in a Hindu festive...........and my mind still thinks..

Sunday, September 14, 2014

"YES!! I am a Woman. I have breasts AND a cleavage! You got a problem!!??"

From overdone adds to paid news to turning news into soft porn, media has hit all time low in journalism now.
In recent times, while covering news on Bollywood, Hollywood stars to sportsmen/women, media has been doing this deliberate attempt to get semi nude pictures or ward robe malfunctioning to put it on the cover to grabs eyeballs and sell news.
Recent victim was Deepika Padukone, when Times Of India, made news on her cleavage, and blatantly making it hot potato stating see her cleavage.

"OMG: Deepika Padukone's cleavage show!" Times Of India
What seer shamelessness. Is this how news is covered, have you even bothered to tell what the news was about. Or we should expect more news about celebrity’s cleavages.

"Seriously Inida's Leading newspaper and this is "NEWS"!!??" Deepika Padukone.
Well said Deepika..!!
"YES!! I am a Woman. I have breasts AND a cleavage! You got a problem!!??" Deepika
Nice Deepak, I wish, if only you could slap.

"It's compliment! You look so great that we want to make sure everyone know!. :) " TOI
Wow nice compliment, can you give same compliment to any women in your family.
By looking her cleavage you came to know she looks good. And wanted to show it to the world??
Are you really out of your mind.. and you did dare to put smiley on the top of it..!!!

"Don't talk about Woman's Empowerment when YOU don't know how to RESPECT Women!" Deepika
Well said Deepika!! Such people shouldn’t even be allowed to talk to women.

This is clear case of objectifying women, ..which Hollywood Bollywood have been doing since beginning. And marketers have been using their assets to sell products. However selling news showing beautiful woman’s cleavage is certainly not a good thing to do in journalism. It is not ethical, should be made ill-legal too. Media is fourth pillar of democracy, if media roams around the bosoms of celebrities leaving its responsibility of bringing social issue in the lime light. I am sorry to say we are heading towards dooms day as society and as a democracy.

Time to introspect for media, hope it does..!!

हिंदी दिवस की शुभकामनायें 

हिंद देश के निवासी सभी जन एक है रंग, रूप, वेश, भाषा चाहे अनेक है

जहाँ हमारे देश में कट्टर हिंदीवादी हिंदी को राष्ट्रीय भाषा घोषित कर उसे देशव्यापी बनाना चाहते हें। वहीं हिंदी के धुर विरोधी इस प्रस्ताव को सिरे से ख़ारिज करते हे. हिन्दीवादी इसे देश की सभ्यता और संस्कृति को सुरक्षित करने की ओर एक पहल के रूप में देखते है तो वही विरोधी इसे देश पर एक बोझ समझते हे और भाषा-बोली की स्वतंत्रता पर आघात।
मेँ नहीं जानता कि हिंदी का प्रचार-प्रशार और जबरन कार्यान्वयन देश के लिए कितना लाभकारी होगा पर कुछ बाते ध्यान देने योग्य हे

भारत एक भौगोलिक और सांस्कृतिक विषमताओं का देश हे , यहाँ एक ही त्यौहार कई तरीके से अलग - अलग जगहों पर मनाया जाता हे, और एक समूह दूरसे से बिलकुल ही विषम हो सकता हे ऐसे में "एक देश एक पहिचान" वाली बात कहाँ तक सार्थक हे !

कुछ लोगो को लगता हे कि अंग्रेजी, ‘हिंदी और हिंदुस्तानी’ सभ्यता और संस्कृति को निगल जाएगी। पर क्या एक भाषा ही संस्कृति का परिचायक हे।
पर इस बात पर कोई दो राय नहीं कि हममें अभी भी मानसिक दासिता हे जो अंग्रेजी बोलने वाले को पढा - लिखा एवं सभ्य समजते हें और देशी भाषा (हिंदी या अन्य) बोलने वाले को गँवार। पर क्या हिंदी को बलपूर्वक देशव्यापी कर देने से समस्या का हल हो जायेगा। सभ्यता सद-चरित्र से आती हे और चरित्र किसी भाषा का मोहताज नहीं।

हमारे लिए ये गर्व की बात हे कि हम विविध हे और बहुभाषी भी, बॉलीवुड हिंदी में फिल्म बनाकर उसका प्रचार करता है जो सराहनीय हे पर यदि बॉलीवुड को भी हिंदी की बाध्यता होगी तो शायाद, सिनेंमा का आनंद कम हो जायेगा।

हमको अपनी सभ्यता और संस्कृति पर गर्व करना चाहिए, और देश की विषमताओं को देख कर किसी भाषा के लिए बाध्यता नहीं करनी चाहिए , उसका प्रचार - प्रसार करने पर भी कोई पांबदी नहीं होनी चाहिए।
हर हिंदुस्तानी को कम से कम द्विभासी होना चाहिए, एक मातृभाषा एवं एक अंग्रेजी, क्योकि अंग्रेजी इंटरनेट के जरिये ज्ञान के द्वार खोलती हे और ज्ञान से ही मनुष्य उज्ज्वल भविष्य का निर्माण कर सकता हे

मुझे हिंदी से अगाध लगाव हे और में चाहता हूँ क़ि सारा विश्व इस प्राचीन पर पूर्ण भाषा की खूबसूरती से सराबोर हो पर जबरन नहीं।

हिंदी दिवस की शुभकामनायें , हिंदी तुम चिरकाल तक होठों पे सजी रहो !


Friday, September 12, 2014

Sugar Daddy Dating:

West may be developed but is it not the perfect world, people aren't happy there either. But as it has been from generations we just copy west blindly and bad things are copies even faster.

Sugar Daddy Dating:
It is mutual agreement of wealthy man seeking young girls looking from sexual favor in return to the expensive gifts and luxuries provided.
 Until just a few years ago many people had the misconception that a Sugar daddy relationship was a forbidden affair between a wealthy older gentleman and an attractive, but naive young woman.
These liaisons were thought to be improper as the rich, experienced and mature gentleman was in fact taking advantage of the girl by enticing her with an upscale way of life that she could never experience on her own.
This consisted of glamorous vacations, dining and 5 star restaurants and incredible gifts. This is a complete fallacy as the great majority of these relationships are built on trust and respect with the goal of a mutually beneficial relationship.
 These are view expressed in western media. However I think in Indian context it simply put is "Prostitution" sugar coated and named "Sugar Daddy Dating", it is widely practiced in west, many companies give such arrangement services as well. It is spreading in India faster than we think. This phenomena is reported in India recently specially in college girls, under the carpet it happens, and society is cool with it until and unless someone reports rape or there is other tragedies.  Though there is nothing wrong legally when two adults seek company to satisfy their needs. However it gets ugly in the end.
>It not only goes to adults, but children are also lured in it.
>It leads to the rape.
>It leads to orgy, influencing psychotic behaviors.
>It changes the perception of relation and entire love, family concept goes for a toss.

We cannot change the psychopaths, perverts out there luring girls and kids. But we can have precautionary measures.
>Be careful about dating sites, and online chatting platforms.
>Keep watch on your children’s net surfing.
>Warn yourself and your friends that a 60 year old with BMW saying 'I love you' in first meeting is not really love.
>Keep your friends circle clean, some friends aren't really friends. Some nerdy and creepy friends can put in the wrong place.
>Don’t crave for some exiting sexual or luxury experiences that may lead you to dangerous life style with no morals and happiness.

Consequences having such relation:
>You may disgust yourself after a while.
>The guilt will set in and happiness will be distanced.
>Won't be able to enjoy truly romance with your lifetime partner.
>Will lead to trust deficit life and love won't grow in your heart.

Be warned; educate your friends and family not fall into the trap of Sugar Daddy’s or their pimps.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Who gave you this right to you 'Media'?

Who gave you this right to you 'Media'? And you too social media: You were suppose to check media by raising your own morals?

You threw a well known national award winner actress in the 'Masasla' hungry society, to shred the very soul of a young actress by their everyday remarks and character assassination.
 Oh ya..! You needed TRP right..!  And you social media you need 'likes', 'shares', 'comments' that’s all you are bothered about.

A young girl did something 'Immoral' as you call it, is that immoral or why did she do that is different discussion all together. But why her… and only her?

One side you glorify a 'Porn Star' and shower your praise; and the other side you do 'Character assassination' of a young actress despite knowing that there is hungry world out there to devour her soul every time she steps out.
 It was her personal matter of choice. Why her name was all over the world, at least in India spread like wild fire? 

If you have guts, name the hotel owner, name the high profile customers she was attending. Why your eyes can't see them?
No no no .. 'Ye India hai yaha aadami logo ka sab chalta hai, bade log hai wo'. .!

Without demand there is no supply, we all have in some point in time shared dinner table, talked, spend time together, or at least did shake hands with a man who visited prostitutes, or at least cheated in his relationship. That is OK with us, but have we ever shared a dinner table with 'Prostitute', or even talked to her properly... it is unthinkable.. isn't it…?

Oh ya..!! How dare I say that? Prostitute: 'Randi Sali' .. you don't even call her without putting a curse attached, forget about calling her by her name.

I don't know who to blame. I am also the apart of this society. Are our dual standards degrading our morals and thus misogyny is so prevalent.

It is time to think again:
यत्र नार्यस्तु पूजयन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:”: Vedic verse
“God lives there where women are worshiped”


Saturday, September 6, 2014

                                                          Saving our Culture ..!!

****Based on True Story**** 

He was waiting for it since last 10 months. All night he could not even sleep planning it perfectly. He had picked up red heart soft toy from cheep road side vendor, one  chocolate, one red rose, and one
card too,  he didn't know what was written on it though (he did not know much English because he was poor and couldn't afford English medium school. ) .

It was the perfect morning the way he wished for: Some clouds, morning breeze and red sun some time making it's presence from the clouds, he packed all the stuff and reached to rendezvous point. They both walked to a lonely park. They sat on a bench near the end of it.

He held her hand and asked her to close her eyes, which she did and he kept the soft red heart on her hand with thumping nerve.

She opened her eyes, hugged him, and kissed him on his cheek. It was their first VALENTINE'S DAY together.
After exchanging gifts and chatting for a while he leaned forward and looked into her eyes, and she closed her eyes apprehending the romance. His lips gently touched hers and it was all they
needed in life. Blood rushed to the mind and they were lost in another world all together.

Suddenly the guy felt a big blow on his head, he looked around there were 3 guys white kurta and saffron cloths hanging from their shoulders.. some slogan written on it….!!!
Before he could think of anything the leader came in front of him, did spit on him and slapped tightly saying "Madar chod ..bada Angrj banata hai, desh ki sabyata, sanskriti bhigadata hai.. ham dikhate hai  tujhe London " he started kicking him shouting on him spitting on him...

They were shouting some holy names... and cursing them .. the other guy pulled the girl holding her from hair and slapped her too.
After a while the leader said to him that they won't leave them alone.. And put a trade before him... "I know what you guys were doing here, either we be part of it or we will make sure SOCIETY strips her necked and both of your families are ousted”.

The guy begged and the girl too, not to do anything they are poor and their family will be ousted and nobody will get married in their family and people will spit on them, they will not even get job somewhere.

The leader said to the girl "You look smart and intelligent.. I don't think you will risk all that just for a small thing ..and I promise you it will be quick and easy or else we know other ways too"

The boy begged, shouted and asked her not to listen to him and do not do anything stupid, that he will take her and run away to the place nobody knows them.. ..  .
The two guys gagged him kept kicking and punching him....

The girl was crying and asking them not to beat the guy and will do anything they say.. .. ..!!!!!

And .... it took just few minutes and two souls were dead there ... under an open sky.. SOMEONE SAVED OUR CULTURE BY RAPING A GIRL IN FRONT OF HER LOVE. .. and stopped him
from becoming Englishman !!

He was told not to be seen with any girl and hush about what has happened otherwise his sister will also meet the same fate. ....!!

They both went to hospital and got their body treated but their souls got scratched forever. .

The boy did not report because he knew very well …. how many times he will have to narrate the same story again and again in full details in front of  lawyer, to the policemen to news reporters ..and they all will enjoy the story.. ..!!
There will be no justice for them ... and will be thrown out of "SOCIETY" as well!!

****** This is not to blame, hurt any particular group of people, sect, cult, religion... this is the naked truth abut our SOCIETY today.. accept it if you want to change it.********

pc bhatt